Dead Forest

The Dead Forest is an area in the northern part of the Gloodood Region which contain treacherous tar pits and nothing much else. Visitors are advised to carefully watch their step and avoid any gooey tar in the ground.


The Dead Forest was discovered shortly before Pollyville's founding, where prospectors believed where there was tar, there was valuable oil. After discovering the tar deposits were largely unable to be refined into anything useful, the small nearby settlement was abandoned.


The tar pits found in The Dead Forest are especially treacherous. The tar is not only incredibly thick and sticky, but very deep. In the middle of the largest lake of tar, it is estimated to be roughly 10 meters deep. Explorers who have experience with treading through tar have indicated that the pitch found here has a viscosity roughly 10 times as high as more famous tar pits, such as those found in La Brea in California. Those who tread in the stuff for more than a few moments may find themselves helplessly stuck unless they wear protective clothing and are tethered in such a way they can pull themselves out. Even with clothing, it has been reported that many explorers have had to rip out of their clothing to free themselves from the viscous tar.

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