The RPG is really an extension of this universe, with a concrete story and other characters. You control Jillian, a college freshman who chose this place for her zoology internship. She starts out innocent enough, going into it with her best foot forward, but is taken aback by her duties tending the unusual livestock and avoiding their sticky embraces or, worse, impregnation. All the while she must keep The Queen happy or else she'll be assigned... much worse duties.
➧ Download v0.1
➧ Download v0.1
- Animated struggling and game over scenes
- Custom artwork
- Options on difficulty, enabling music, voice SFX, upscaling, and "rape mode"
- Various enemies. Not just slugs, but spiders, city hoodlums, vines, plus more
- Easter eggs galore! Many obscure and humorous ways to get a game over
- Character can strip to escape, or armor up with latex suits